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THERMOTEX (d/b/a Canvas Specialty Co) has been providing Proscenium Fire Safety Curtains and Heat Borders to the theater industry for decades with unmatched quality and quality control throughout every step of the process. Fire Curtains and Heat Borders are available in Tan or Black.
A Proscenium Fire Safety Curtains is installed in a theater for the purpose of protecting the audiences from a fire on stage. These curtains are made of non-combustible materials (see ASTM E 136), and meet or exceed all applicable fire and safety codes.
Heat (Light, Electric) Borders are installed behind the stage lighting to protect against fire. These Borders are made from the same material as the Proscenium Fire Safety Curtain.
Fabrics (Curtains & Borders)
THERMO-SPEC TM Fabric Style-WFCC (CSC-G2WC) is a 2-1/2 lb./sq.yd. (40 oz./sq.yd.) wire inserted NON
ASBESTOS, High Temperature coated fiber glass fabric (tan or black) which replaces the 2-3/4 tb./sq.yd. wire inserted asbestos fabric. Specifically designed to incorporate the strength of stainless steel yet provide excellent flexibility, Style 44-WFCC is the premier fire curtain fabric available.
THERMO-SPEC TM Fabric Style 37-FCC (CSC-G2PC) is a 2-1/4 lb./sq.yd. (37 oz./sq.yd.) NON-ASBESTOS, coated fiber glass fabric (tan or black) without a wire insertion. Like Style 44-WFCC, Style 37-FCC exceeds the Code criteria (except it weighs less and has no wire.) It is an economical alternative for those applications that do not demand or require the 40 oz./sq.yd. wire inserted product.
The curtains contain NO ASBESTOS. Both Style 44-WFCC and Style 37-FCC meet or exceed the following:
- IBC (International Building Code)
- NFPA Life Safety Code 101
- NFPA 5000 Building Construction and Safety Code
- NFPA 80 Standard for Doors and Other Opening Protectives
- ANSI E1.22 Entertainment Technology - Fire Curtain Systems
- MEA # 217-00-M (City of New York, Dept. of Buildings)
- 1997 & Earlier (UBC, SBCCI, BOCA)
Styles of Curtains
Both Style 44-WFCC and Style 37-FCC Fabrics may be fabricated into one of several Fire Safety Proscenium Curtains types:
Straight Lift Style/Frame Style curtains are used when there is adequate space for proper "ready storage" above the proscenium opening.
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Brail Style curtains are used where the space above the proscenium opening is inadequate to properly store the Straight Lift, Frame or Trip Style curtain.
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Trip Style curtains are used where the space above the proscenium opening is inadequate to properly store the Straight Lift style curtain. There should be at least one-third the height of the proscenium opening to properly house this style of curtain.
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All Fire Curtains are manufactured ad fabricated to THERMOTEX's demanding quality control standards.
Heat Borders (Light, Electric)
Heat Borders are used around the stage lighting to protect against a fire. A Heat Border is made of the same material as the Proscenium Fire Safety Curtains and meets or exceeds all applicable fire and safety codes. Manufactured in horizontally, vertically or in combination styles, these Borders provide protection from high-intensity stage lighting. The standard border has reinforced edging, #4 grommets and black ties.